The Becoming Of Ms. Unwin
The Blue and White had the chance to interview Ms.Unwin, a well-known Pre-Calculus teacher here at Apopka high school. We discussed why she’s passionate about teaching and what she happens to do in her free time.
Ms.Unwin starts from the roots and unravels how her passion for teaching grew, and what she’s accomplished to become a successful teacher. “I grew up in Minnesota, where I was fortunate to have some fantastic teachers who inspired me to love learning. I enjoyed helping with small tasks around the classroom like grading papers, passing them back to students, and helping other students be successful. I think my desire to be a teacher started there. I graduated from Apopka High School in 1993. Then I went to Southeastern College (now Southeastern University), where I earned my bachelor’s degree with a major in Psychology. Since becoming a teacher, I have also attended UCF where I earned a master’s degree in Elementary Education and a master’s degree in Educational Leadership.”
Being a teacher is an experience that changes you as a person. Students tend to leave an everlasting impact on your mental health and approach to life. Ms.Uwin shares some of her experiences being a teacher here at Apopka High School. “I have had students tell me over the years that my class was the first math class where they ever felt successful. When I hear this, it just confirms that I am in the right place doing exactly what I am intended to do. When I first started teaching Pre-Calculus a couple years ago, there was content that I had to re-learn because I hadn’t seen it in MANY years. I discovered that there are tons of resources on the internet to help you learn math. If you are struggling, someone has probably made a YouTube video to help. Khan Academy is another great resource. If you’re not afraid to put in some work, you can learn!” Ms.Uwin also offers tutoring in case any students need some extra help.
After school, Ms.Unwin takes time to rewind and relax. Here are some examples of what she does to get ready for the next day and what you can do as well. “In my free time I like to travel with my family and go to theme parks – there’s nothing like a good roller coaster. But when I’m by myself, I love to immerse myself in a good book.”

Hello, my name is Giahnie Germain this is my second year on The Blue and White as a senior staff writer. I joined the newspaper because I enjoy meeting...