Call Me Controversial
Anyone who’s been alive long enough to be consciously aware in the year 2019 knows who Lil Nas X is. And if you didn’t, chances are you do now. “MONTERO (Call Me By Your Name)”, Lil Nas X’s newest addition to his discography, has already hit 125 million views, two weeks after it’s release. Montero Lamar Hill (famously known as Lil Nas X) has been the center of controversy ever since his debut. He’s gay, he’s black, and his first viral song was in the country genre. Any double minority could understand exactly how hard it is to pave your way through life, let alone fame.
But “MONTERO (Call Me By Your Name)” reached new levels of controversy not even hours after it’s release. The music video, at just 3 minutes and 10 seconds long, has essentially taken the world by storm. Satanic imagery, lap dances, descending into Hell on a stripper pole– Lil Nas X’s music video has brought to light an argument that has been occurring for centuries. If members of the LGBT community participate in satanic inspired pulp culture, does that ‘justify’ homophobic propaganda suggesting queer people are satanic in nature?
“I think… [he’s] sending the message that he’s not afraid of homophobic people telling him that he is not going to heaven when he dies… I think it’s amazing to see that he is truly content with himself and his sexuality… he chooses to uplift himself and not let that stuff bother him,” Apopka Senior, Liv, states her views on Lil Nas X being very positive. “He’s done a lot so far for the music industry at such a young age. Before him, you didn’t see many LGBTQ+ rappers or hear country and rap music in the same song, which I think is pretty cool.” She finally adds, “He’s just expressing himself… it’s wrong to hate him for being who he is.”
An anonymous student has less positive things to say, stating “I personally believe that [the video] does reflect negatively on LGBTQ+ youth.” When asked to go in depth, she explains, “They are just adding fuel to the fire… I only watched part of the music video, I stopped watching pretty quickly.” I would tell him I’m so sorry people told him he was going to Hell for just being his true self and his sexuality. It’s never too late to have a relationship with God.”
It isn’t just students giving the artist backlash– it’s all over twitter. Many have jokingly commented that Lil Nas X’s twitter (which has been linked) is the “perfect place” to view back and forths against conservative and/or religious people who are strongly against everything Lil Nas X. However, he has made it very clear that he isn’t backing down anytime soon, and that the backlash, to him, has only inspired him to further pave the way for LGBTQ+ youth.