Spring is in the air, which means it is performing arts concert season once again. Apopka High’s performing arts departments, including the orchestra, chorus, and band, held their final concerts this spring. Each department chose music according to their specific theme. The music was prepared in the month leading up to the performances, with some pieces even being finalized the week of the concerts. While the theme for each department was similar, they each added their own unique touch to make it special.

APK’s orchestra program held its spring concert titled “Melodies of the Movies” on Thursday, April 18, 2024, in the school’s auditorium. The concert started at 6:30 pm and featured performers playing well-known motion picture themes dressed in costumes matching the essence of each movie. The Blue and White reached out to Orchestra Director Mrs. Kayla Watts for an interview about the concert. When asked about the concert’s theme, Mrs. Watts said, “We just wanted to do something fun.” Regarding the song selection, she mentioned, “Picking music for specific

skill levels is not an easy task. I chose pieces from movies that matched the current orchestra’s skill level.” Mrs. Watts also explained that all Orchestra and Guitar students were required to participate in the spring concert, and some students were chosen to perform solos after auditioning with her. The concert was a success after many weeks of hard work and after-school rehearsals. Mrs. Watts particularly enjoyed honoring her seniors, whom she had known since their 7th-grade year. A highlight of the concert for her was the Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Anakin lightsaber battle.

Apopka’s notable chorus department held its spring concert titled “Cine-Mania” on April 25 and 26, 2024. The concert began at 6:30 pm on both nights. The concert showcased a variety of movie favorites, and the performers had a vast wardrobe for their songs.

For the second night it was Senior Night, to honor the chorus’s graduating members. The chorus department director, Mrs. Sandra Shafer, shared that the concert’s theme started as a Disney Concert but naturally expanded to movies. The song selection process involved input from the seniors and the leadership team. Soloists were chosen through auditions with guest judges, and extensive preparation was put into lighting, stage setup, and costume organization.

The concerts were successful, with only positive feedback. Memorable moments were honoring the graduating seniors and watching Shafer’s daughter drive across the stage during “Dance the Night” from Barbie. “Cine-Mania” was a hit, bringing together two nights of packed performances and showcasing the students’ hard work and dedication.
Apopka High’s band program had its spring concert titled “As Seen on TV” on May 2 and 3, 2024. The concerts began at 7 pm on both nights, with the second night including senior videos not shown on night one. The concert featured 34 performances, including full band, specific class groups, small groups, quartets, duets, and solo acts. Iconic songs from multiple genres of television were featured, from musicals like The Phantom of the Opera theme to anime theme songs like “Tank!” from Cowboy Bebop. A skit was made for some members to hilariously recreate The Blues Brothers, and the full band had choreography and danced to “Everybody Needs Somebody.” The concert was a little over two hours in length. Band directors Mr. Jeremy Langford and Mr. Mark Ellis and their students prepared their pieces starting in the third week of April until the day of the first concert. The band takes three days of practice the week of the concert to prepare, consisting of many run-throughs and dress rehearsals. All of this preparation led to very successful concerts, both packed with numerous individuals of all ages. The concerts were a lot of fun to watch and for members to perform in. They were a huge hit, earning standing ovations from the audience on both nights.
The spring concert season is an exhilarating and enjoyable time, not only for the performers but also for the audience. Families, friends, and staff all came together to show their support for their loved ones. It was a wonderful opportunity for everyone to have a great time and witness their loved ones shine on stage.The experience both watching the performances and being part of such a creative and amazing show is truly unforgettable.
If you’d like to see some of the performances or department information, here are the links down below:
Chorus Linktree: https://linktr.ee/darterchorus?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAab82jzFMfNOa4s-ALAXFRM4cgycIpvKLu2cKQkOzZhOPtS-dtLHpj-B8Xo_aem_ASF_yrH04tOQAYs5GvPKkZHQDph49BnBjuF27VKu7HY5PhSzFJ0PfUnJxFHg2LIfJHqsG7lWIYTx4NrwqR9DriqC
Orchestra Linktree: https://linktr.ee/APKStrings?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaYZ386xJX1kzLyplf-ZCmqxd4_eRYHLTuurN63thXRiH1gjh6g-KjOqSbo_aem_ASFCEVXPgfZcyPUYvluHbJDX1Hp2NR9oeFOosiPjwqlWIK8aSuWj4ZHN8HGZd2QRShPboWzW0Jfz1CJKX1pvsdGK
Band Linktree: https://linktr.ee/apopkabands?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAabXJNnXzcm9tGGPQRzE0Y0_jQtciPmMgKFGf-f533fGL9gYli-5ITzjQPE_aem_ASEGSK__RddNLTdQ9-di5vWbxBnX9BmUher5AtVHfLrCAY4DfodkpslXuWU1FjqU5b45HGGsc-7SOcJ4KUXumdms