Painting During a Pandemic

Delia Miller, Co-Editor

A classroom characterized by shared supplies and live feedback finds its operation challenging during a pandemic and its regulations. The struggle to adapt to online learning is felt across the board, but art classes come with their own unique set of challenges. Many students who once relied on classroom materials for their projects now fend for themselves. Ronin Booher, AP 2D Art and Design student, explains “I usually don’t have the tools that I need at home.” Beyond the common household art supplies such as copy paper and washable markers, Ronin and many students alike find accessing the appropriate materials to complete their assignments difficult.

“Heads” Collage provided by Mr. Houvouras

Matthew Houvouras, AP Art teacher at Apopka High School, recognizes that students learning from home do not have a studio like the one at school. The greatest drawback of continuing art classes with the current constraints is finding a diverse set of projects that are available to all students. These include multimedia pieces, digital art, drawings, and sketches. Collages are a large component of the sum of work that Mr. Houvouras encourages students to fill their portfolio with. For his yearly collage assignment, Heads, the requirements are: some old magazines, a pair of scissors, pencil, and glue to develop their work. The required elements of this assignment are just vague enough to allow students to get creative with what they have at their disposal.

Multimedia Collage by Delia Miller

Despite its drawbacks, at home artwork does have its benefits. “I get to do my projects right after school or whenever I have free time” Ronin later continues. For many artists, without the limit of a 45 minute class period, the ability to work on art projects when you see fit allows for a more natural workflow. Alexis Stewart, LaunchEd student, finds the positive in taking Painting this year through time spent alone. “Since I don’t have to share supplies or anything like that, I can actually take my time and not feel rushed by only working during class time.” This same sentiment can be felt by Face-to-Face students as they are required to work six feet apart, granting each student their own large work space. The limiting of student to student sharing in all classrooms poses a direct impact on art students that rely on classroom materials. Due to this many have been encouraged to take up digital art to convey their projects. From Adobe Illustrator to drawing apps on phones, students can explore their creative directions with little to no physical limitations.

Personal Collage By Emma Vanness






This time has encouraged artists across the board to step out of their comfort zones and tap into something novel this semester. Whether that be new subject matter or mediums, art continues to break once held boundaries in the classroom and beyond.