ASIA, short for Asian Students in Apopka, was founded in 2022 to create a safe space for Asian students at our school, who represent 2% of our school’s population. ASIA had their interest meeting on September 5th and will continue to meet on the first Tuesday of every month in room 432. ASIA was founded by Junior Colin Poon and is sponsored by Mr. Sensiper.
Part of creating a safe space means that a diverse group of cultures must all be represented. Recognizing the importance, ASIA President Colin Poon explains that “ASIA has such a HUGE responsibility of representing the most diverse racial group in America. We work to represent South, Southeast, and East Asia throughout our meets, where we will have meets on the Philippines, South Korea, India, and Pan-Asian holidays to ensure representation! Moreover, Florida is such a special place with the number of people from the Asian Diaspora that we have from Jamaica, Guyana, and Trinidad and Tobago who have Asian heritage but don’t have any nuclear family born on the Asian continent, namely those of the Indian and Chinese diaspora! Due to this, we are planning meetings that specifically talk about the Asian diaspora and its relationship to America, as well as our historical and current relationships with other POC groups.”
While the club is meant to provide a safe space for Asian students, it isn’t exclusively for Asian students. Regarding this, Colin mentioned that “we are doubling down on a commitment we are making to identify our club as a cultural education club open to any students willing to come to our meetings and take the time to learn about Asian culture!” As long as you have an open mind and are willing to learn, you can be a part of ASIA.
ASIA will have Asian food available at each meeting, and plans for this year include a Korean hot noodle challenge, an AAPI film and fun day, and a Lunar New Year celebration. Additionally, they are looking into the idea of a multicultural festival. Outside of school, Colin says that members can “interact with Asian culture through festivals, parades, and eating out, while simultaneously earning community service hours for many of those activities.”
Following the interest meeting, Colin had to say, “We were quite excited at the turnout that we had, where more than 40 people showed up to our interest meeting where we served snacks like shrimp chips and pocky galore, and additionally played a game of Blooket to win some seaweed and Hello Panda. We hope to continue to see such high turnout, and just as a reminder to anyone reading, pay your $15 dues to get our meeting’s food in the future, which are the 1st Tuesdays of every month.”
For updates and further information regarding ASIA, follow their Instagram account, @apk_asia, and join their Remind, @apkasia, to stay in the loop.