Apopka High Senior Week
Senior Week was pretty entertaining this year at Apopka High. It occurred during the week of April 4th-8th, and this year was a memorable one. Each day was humorous and unforgettable, and the credit belongs to Ms. Modesto and all of the Senior Class Council.
Day 1: College and Career
Apopka’s students took a clever twist on Monday’s “College and Career Day” as we see a variation of very different careers. Seniors also received the opportunity to enjoy breakfast and watch the sunrise with their friends on campus.
Day 2: High Class, My Class
On Tuesday, all seniors were told to dress in their classiest attire in order to receive cake and soda during lunch…and it was a hit! Many students dressed up, and students were able to end their night off with the Senior Talent Show.
Day 3: Senior Olympics
Senior Olympics was a jam-packed and fun day. Seniors were told to make teams of 12 (6 girls: 6 boys) to help participate in these series of games with their friends. All teams did great, but the overall winner was the “ICE” team, with the “Pink Darters” and “Backyardigans” coming in second and third. Another great thing about Wednesday was the fact that seniors also had the rest of their day off if they participated!
Day 4: Anything BUT a Backpack
Thursday was a crazy rainy day, but that didn’t stop seniors from bringing in clever options for backpacks. The alternatives were interesting, but what was even more interesting was the extremely competitive after-school scavenger hunt!
Day 5: Crazy Blue ’22!
On a classic Friday here at Apopka, some seniors dressed in our school colors, blue and white. Since not many seniors were dressed up in their “Crazy Blue and White”, The Blue and White didn’t take many pictures. However, everyone was fairly excited for Grad Bash at Universal Studios and, although it was packed, everyone had fun.