Terrific Temporary Top Dog: Mr. Alvarado
Mr. Alvarado is temporarily filling the principal’s position for Mr. Heinz while he is out for medical reasons. So there’s no better time or reason to meet him. You may see Mr. Alvarado patrolling the courtyard during passing times and before school. He makes sure to maintain a safe, friendly teaching environment for his new students and staff. Managing all of our Blue Darters can be a lot of work, so we asked him a few questions:
What did you do before taking the temporary Apopka principal position?
I worked as the senior administrator within the High School Office for Orange County Public Schools supporting our assistant principals.
What are your plans for the school while you are filling in for Mr. Heinz?
To support teachers and staff as best I can and learn all there is to be a Blue Darter.
What are the challenges you face as the new principal of Apopka High School?
The biggest challenge is getting to know all the students and staff. This is a big campus so I am definitely visiting classrooms to meet as many people as possible.
How have you dealt with making sure students and staff both enforce and follow the COVID procedures?
You probably will hear the several administrators reminding students to wear their mask covering their nose and mouth. Reminding them to follow directional arrows and to social distance.
Why were you chosen to fill the temporary principal position at Apopka High School?
I was asked to fill in for Mr. Heinz, as I have been on this campus before and was familiar with the school and community.
How do you plan on encouraging and motivating kids online and face-to-face to do their school work and become more active in the Apopka High School community?
This is a challenge, but teachers are becoming more innovative using new strategies and tools to motivate and engage students. I want to make myself available to support teachers and students as they continue to work with our face to face and LaunchED students.