Don’t Pass On Flag Football!
Some students tend to toss aside female sports at Apopka High School, as most of them are overshadowed by their male counterparts; however, female sports must not be shoved aside, and lady Darter’s flag football program is a shining example of what makes sports at this school so entertaining, regardless of gender. The flag football team is comprised of Apopka’s toughest ladies and the AHS Blue & White would love to spotlight this team and why Apopka’s flag football team is like none other. Our Lady Darter Flag Football team made quite a reputation for themselves over the last few years, even becoming ranked top 25 in the nation. The flag football program expects nothing different this time around. It is clear to say that Apopka is a true competitor when it comes to flag football.
The Blue and White had the chance to speak with one of the players on the flag football team, and she was optimistic for what’s to come. Senior Hernika Fevrier has been playing all the way since her Freshman year! Preparation is a key factor in creating a successful program in any sport. In order to prepare for this season, Hernika stated she’s been, “Remembering all the plays since there’s a lot of plays, playing different positions, remembering them.” Hernika was very proud to tell us that they won in their first game of the season against Evans High School, 0-42, a blowout!
So far our Lady Darters have only played two games this season. Fortunately, they were both monumental victories, and we can definitely expect more of those. Coach Wilson, and Coach Jenkins claimed on numerous occasions during the interviews that this team is “bigger than flag football.” Hernika Fevrier seconds that by saying “We are all cool, everyone is cool with each other… It’s just fun, I like the sport, I think it’s really fun, the team is like a family and it’s enjoyable.” The team goes on trips with each other as well. Notably, the team has gone on numerous trips up to Tallahassee.
The Lady Darters are back in action soon with a game on Wednesday, March 24th, with a list of dates placed below. They only have a finite amount of regular season games until playoffs, so go and support these athletes as they face tough competition and strive to come out on top. We at the The Blue & White and students at Apopka High School have strong faith in the ladies of our school’s great Flag Football program. The Blue & White wishes the best of luck to our them as they fight for victory!